What Will I Say Next?


Read: Matthew 7:24-27 & Proverbs 12:15

Recently I was watching a cable news channel and became frustrated with how the back and forth conversation was taking place.  The news person would ask a question and then before the other person could expound on their answer the newsperson began interrupting them and questioning them.

I have found that this is an increasing problem on programs like this and perhaps in our culture as a whole.  Many people will try to talk over the others which makes it hard to hear what anyone is saying.  My solution to the news channel dilemma is to turn the channel or turn the television off.

This got me to thinking about how we converse with each other.  How often do we truly listen to the other person speak before we begin to formulate our next line or argument?  In many cases people are not listening to what is being said, they are thinking about their next sentence.  I know that I am guilty of this too, but I am trying to make it an area of growth in my life.

In the Bible we are instructed many, many, times to listen to God and the ways of Jesus.  Our listening should start there, but we can also gain wise counsel from each other.  It is obvious that people in this world see things differently and live differently so here is a news flash; we probably won’t agree on everything.  But in Proverbs 12:15 it says, “The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.”

I have appreciated the many times in my life when I have gained understanding, a new perspective, and sometimes even a new direction.  Those times most often came when I turned a listening ear to someone and kept silent myself.  Instead of thinking about what I was going to say next I was reflecting on what the other person was saying.

When we listen to others we must always be sure that it lines up with the Word of God.  Listening to false teachers will only lead you down a dangerous path.  In Matthew 7 Jesus says, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” (Matthew 7:24)  Listening is a valuable trait to have in our fast, loud, and opinionated culture.  We would do well to grow in this area.

Make it Personal:  How often do you find yourself thinking about what you will say next while the other person is speaking to you?  How often do you interrupt someone in mid-sentence?  Try to think about this and grow in your listening skills.  Most of all listen and give heed to what Jesus says about living life.  In other words, build your life on the rock!

Have a wonderful week, Pastor Glen Rhodes

Just Like Jesus


Read: 1 John 2:3-11         

One of my favorite Christian books is “Just Like Jesus” written by Max Lucado.  The subtitle to the book hits right at home with all us, it says, “God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you that way.  He wants you to be just like Jesus.”

The inside of the book cover continues on with some more great truth when it says, “Isn’t that good news?  You aren’t stuck with today’s personality. You aren’t condemned to grumpy-dom. You are changeable. You are tweakable. Even if you’ve worried each day of your life, you needn’t worry the rest of your life.  So what if you were born with a sour outlook, you don’t have to die with one. God will change you. And he will change you to be just like Jesus. Can you think of any better offer?”

Pastor Tony Evans tells about a picture that he has in his home by the front door.  It is a frame with two slots in it.  On one side of the frame is a picture of Tony when he was 18 years old, on the other side is a picture of his son when he was 18 years old.  He talks about how they look like twins in those pictures even though they are quite different in age.

The illustration is this.  As Christians we should like look Christ.  A connection has been made because of his sacrifice on Calvary and the essence of Jesus being transferred to those who are believers and his followers.  When people interact with us and see us in daily life they should marvel at the resemblance.

This is a tall order in light of Christ living a perfect life and our sinful lives that need his redemption, but the process of becoming Christ-like is a life long endeavor.  It must be our goal, our purpose, and our desire as we allow God to change us, mold us, and shape us into the people he has called us to be in this world. 

As the Bible says in 1 John 2:5-6, “But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.”

Make it Personal:  Here is a final word from my favorite book mentioned above.  “Where did we get this idea that we can’t change?  From whence come statements such as, ‘It’s just my nature to worry.’  ‘I’ll always be pessimistic, I’m just that way.’ ‘I can’t help the way I react. I have a bad temper.”  Such thoughts are not from God.  God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you there.”

Blessings in your week,  Pastor Glen Rhodes

God is in Control

Read: Job 38 & 39
       In several recent publications I was struck by the way my birth year of 1968 was referred to.  50 years later one of them called it one of the most tumultuous years in America and the other referred to it as a very troubled time.  I had to wonder what my parents thought as they brought a new child into a world like this.  We often hear that reference made about children born today.

That year did have its share of trouble and turmoil.  Racial unrest, protests about the Vietnam War, a contentious Presidential election, violence at the Democratic convention in Chicago, and the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy which led to protests in over 100 U.S. cities were just some of the turmoil those publications spoke about. But what about the years of The Great Depression, the World Wars and Nazi concentration camps in Europe?  Tumultuous almost doesn’t seem like a strong enough word to describe those years.

Unfortunately, there always seems to be plenty of trouble and turmoil as time goes on.  While we should be aware and concerned of these things we should never lose sight of God’s sovereignty over us all.  Yes, God is in control and will remain in control despite the sin and wayward ways of humans and the leaders of the nations.

In the 38th and 39th chapters of Job the Lord asks Job who is in control.  The answer is obvious as the verses proceed to share that the Lord laid the earth’s foundations, marked off its dimensions, and controls the time, space, and endowment of creation.  Yes, God is in control even when humans try to act like they are.  Human sin, greed, hatred, and desire for control is what leads to all of the turmoil and trouble listed above.

Each year, decade, and century seem to bring new challenges for our world.  While we need to work for justice, share love, and spread the hope of Jesus Christ, we must always remember that God is sovereign, and that God is in control.  As Moses said in Deuteronomy 4:39, “Acknowledge and take heart this day that the Lord is God in heaven above and on earth below. There is no other.”

Make it Personal:  It’s easy to watch the news or read the newspaper and become distressed over many things going on in our world.  At times, 2018 may feel like 1968.  But instead of responding with despair, Christians must declare the hope of Christ and the sovereignty of God in this world.  The Creator is still in charge of the created.  God is in control despite human efforts to take that control away.

Have a great week, Pastor Glen Rhodes
Arthur Mennonite Church

How to Pray


Read: Matthew 6:5-13          

Depending on who you talk to you might get many different answers about how we are to pray to God.  In Matthew 6:5-13 Jesus gives us some guidance.  First, he talks about our approach to prayer and then he gives us some specific words to pray.  Depending on which translation of the Bible you use this prayer might be a little different, but the actual words, nature, and purpose of the prayer are the same.

Praying to God can happen in many different ways, in essence it is actually a conversation between the created and the Creator.  As pastor and author Max Lucado says, “Prayer reminds you who is in charge.  You don’t take your requests to someone with less authority.  You take them to someone who outranks you in the solutions department.  Prayer decreases you and increases God.”

At the same time, our God is a personal God who wants to converse with you about the important things in your life as well as the things that you might think are more trivial.  God cares about all of it.  We don’t need to change our voice, assume a certain posture, or even close our eyes in order to talk with God.  If you pray while you are driving, please keep your eyes open.

Jesus does encourage us to pray with humility.  In verse 5 he says, “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others.”  Jesus isn’t saying that we can’t pray together in church or with other people, he is just reminding us about the attitude we should have when we go to the Lord in prayer.

Many people have memorized the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 in either the King James version or the New International Version.  Here is how pastor Eugene Peterson paraphrases it in the Message Bible, “Our Father in heaven, Reveal who you are.  Set the world right; Do what’s best, as above, so below.  Keep us alive with three square meals.  Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.  Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.  You’re in charge!  You can do anything you want!  You’re ablaze in beauty!  Yes. Yes. Yes.”

Make it Personal:  God loves you and wants to be a part of your everyday life.  Prayer is one of the ways to invite Jesus into the situations and circumstances that you face.  All you have to do is talk to God and share your heart.  The Lord also speaks to us through the Bible, take some time this week to open your Bible while you pray.

Have a blessed week, Pastor Glen Rhodes, Arthur Mennonite Church
