Read: Psalm 113
How should we respond to God? If we think of all the incredible things we are blessed with in life our response should be one of praise. Even when we go through difficult and trying times in our life, at some point in the trial we realize how grateful we are for God’s presence, help, support, and strength in that time. God truly is a shelter in the time of storm.
How should we respond to God? If we think of all the incredible things we are blessed with in life our response should be one of praise. Even when we go through difficult and trying times in our life, at some point in the trial we realize how grateful we are for God’s presence, help, support, and strength in that time. God truly is a shelter in the time of storm.
In Psalm 113 the psalmist is praising the Lord for many of these things. In fact, verse 3 says, “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.” Yes, we are to praise God all day long. Have you ever thought about how that might change your attitude, outlook, and purpose of life? What if we would look at each situation and say, “How can I give praise to God for this?”
Pastor Nicky Gumble writes, “Praise is the appropriate response to God. He is worthy of all your praise. We teach our children to be thankful – not for our own sake but for theirs. We are pleased when they are thankful. God teaches you to praise him because it is the right response to him, and because it is good for you. Thanksgiving is an appropriate response to human generosity. Continual praise is the appropriate response to God’s generosity.”
I realize that praising God is not always an easy endeavor when the storms of life are raging. But it is one of the choices or responses that we have available to us. As pastor Gumble says above, “it is the appropriate response.” A positive response of praise and thankfulness can lift our spirits and set our minds on the positive blessings of God to see us through that storm.
In the good times the list of blessings could go on and on forever. The second half of Psalm 113 testifies that no one is like our God. Verse 4 says, “The Lord is exalted over all the nations, his glory above the heavens.” No wonder the Lord deserves our praise all day long. There is no one who can compare to the creator of the universe and the provider of our salvation through his son Jesus Christ. Let’s praise God together!
Make it Personal: Negativity is a choice that leads us down a dark path. Praise is a choice that can lead you down a path of restoration and hope. The Lord deserves your praise today, tomorrow, and every day after. Praise God all day long and let it extend into your nights!
Have a great week, Pastor Glen Rhodes