Read: Ephesians 6:18-24
Whoever thought the day would come when people would be criticized for offering up thoughts and prayers for those in need? And yet that is the current trend in some circles. I understand their point is to move people towards action, like passing a law, or making an injustice right, but we should never discount the power of prayer in any situation.
In Ephesians 6 Paul says that it is important for us to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Whether it is a situation close to home, a disaster in our country, or a dangerous situation in our world, we should always be inclined to pray for those affected by those things. We can also pray for change to happen when change needs to happen. Thoughts and prayers don’t mean inaction, instead they call into action the God of the universe.
Eric Metaxas recently wrote on this subject and he brought up the life of William Wilberforce. Eric has written a book about Wilberforce and said, “One of my heroes, the great William Wilberforce, accomplished more thoughtful action than most, as the key figure in abolishing the British slave trade. But Wilberforce was also a man of prayer, prayer that fueled his faith in Jesus and compelled him to act for the good of his fellow man. It was Wilberforce who said, “Of all things, guard against neglecting God in the secret place of prayer.”’
The Apostle Paul was a man of prayer and we should take his encouragement to heart in Ephesians 6 and always pray for those in need. We should never be ashamed to offer up our thoughts and prayers in any situation. Perhaps Adoniram Gordon said it best, “You can do more than pray, after you have prayed, but you can never do more than pray until you have prayed.”
Make it Personal: Who do you need to pray for today? What do you need to pray about? Whatever your answer is to those questions, the action must begin with prayer. When you pray you cannot help but think about those you are praying for or the situations in life you are praying about. It does make a difference!
Have a wonderful week, Pastor Glen Rhodes
Arthur Mennonite Church, 710 E. Park St.