To Give of Your Time

Read: Luke 17:11-19

            It is great to help other people, especially those in need.  What a blessing it is to follow the ways of Jesus and take time out of your day to lend a helping hand to someone.  In Luke 17:11-19 Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem when ten men with leprosy called out to him from a distance and said, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!”  Jesus could have ignored their plea and continued on his way, but that is not who Jesus is.  He acknowledged their need and provided help.

Giving of our money is important and needed, but giving of our time is a much more personal way to reach out to people.  We need to think creatively how we can follow this example that Jesus left us to be light and hope in a world that has many people in need.  How can we make that a part of our individual lives and a part of our family’s sense of call as well?

A Time magazine article says, “volunteer with your children so it doesn’t come at the expense of family time.  Interacting with the people you’re helping will cultivate your kids’ sense of empathy, and yours too.”  It will also be a great opportunity to share with your children the many examples in the Gospels of Jesus helping others.

Lauren Bush in that same Time article writes, “I have friends who go every week to the same soup kitchen to volunteer, that’s extremely rewarding when people can regularly engage with not only a single cause but a single community center, hospital, soup kitchen, wherever it might be.”  The truth is, we often come away blessed ourselves by being a blessing to others.

In Matthew 25 Jesus speaks words that help us understand his actions in Luke 17 and so many other stories in the Gospels.  Jesus tells his disciples, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”  Who are you supposed to help and give your time to this week?

Make it Personal:  It’s easy to give money to areas of need.  While that is definitely needed we also need to give people our time.  Sometimes that means helping physically with a need, other times it is just sitting down and listening to someone who is going through a difficult time.  When people give of their time they rarely regret it later on.

Have a great week, Pastor Glen Rhodes

Faith and Hope

Read: Hebrews 11

                As I read a devotional recently I was reminded of those first times that our children learned to drive a vehicle.  I still remember the first time our daughter got behind the wheel after getting her drivers permit at age 15.  I started out a nervous and uneasy passenger in the front seat.  It wasn’t long until my wife took over in the front and I was directed to the back seat.  I lost my job as navigator because I was too uptight and on edge with every little turn.  Truth is, both of our children were pretty good drivers.

Carey Scott shared about this experience with her children in a Proverbs 31 Ministries devotional.  She said, “These drives (with her children) were full of all kinds of hopes.  I hope Sam will stay on the road.  I hope he’ll remember his turn signal.  I hope I don’t die.”  She said her son also had a prevailing hope.  That his mom would keep her mouth shut during these drives.

Scott goes on to write, “Hope is a powerful motivator. It’s what drives us to try again. It’s what keeps us from sinking under the weight of adversity. Hope keeps us positive, fuels our joy, and helps us reach for our dreams with gusto. Hope matters. And while many think hope is nothing more than wishful thinking, Christian hope means confident expectation. It’s believing in the possibility.”

Hebrews 11 is filled with the faith and hope of God’s people.  From Abraham, to Noah, and many more, this faith in God’s promise gives the people hope to keep moving forward.  In the end they saw how their hope, faith, and trust in God changed their story and their situations.  It can do the same for you.  We had hope that our children would learn to be good drivers.  We had faith that God would protect them during that time of learning, and in the end we all learned something about faith, hope, and trust.  Yes, I’m riding in the front passenger’s seat again without any fears.

Make it Personal:        Along with Hebrews 11 there are many wonderful testimonies of faith and hope in the Bible.  Get your Bible out this week and read about them.  You will come across great verses like this that you can make personal to your own situation.  “I pray that God, the source of all hope, will infuse your lives with an abundance of joy and peace in the midst of your faith so that your hope will overflow through the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

Have a great week, Pastor Glen Rhodes

Everybody Is Doing It

Read: Romans 12:1-8

            The common excuse of “Everybody is doing it” is usually not a good reason to join the crowd.  In many cases it is not even true.  How do you truly define “everybody” anyway?  In many cases this phrase is used when people are trying to justify doing something that is either dangerous, detrimental, or probably not in their best interest.

In a recent newspaper article Tribune News Service Columnist Lori Borgman shared some of the ways that phrase is used…
“Everybody’s doing it,” muttered the employee as he stole from his employer.
“Everybody’s doing it,” purred the woman pursuing a married man.
“Everybody’s doing it,” hissed the drug supplier offering a free sample.
“Everybody’s doing it,” bellowed the rioter hurling rocks through business windows.
“Everybody’s doing it,” chuckled the teen forwarding a picture to his friend.
“Everybody’s doing it,” sneered a girl attempting to shame a reluctant peer.
You could probably add your own to this list as well.

Borgman goes on to share that we need to call this phrase what it really is, “A bold-faced lie.”  In Romans 12:1-2 we are encouraged to renew our minds and not conform to the patterns of this world.  Jesus can help us to live in a way that is pleasing to God and not be so worried about what everyone else might be doing.

You see, when we seek the counsel of God then we will be able to test and approve of what His good, pleasing, and perfect will is for our lives. God’s Word (The Bible) is where we should get our wisdom and guidance, not from the latest fade, trendiest idea, or that thing that we try to convince ourselves that everyone is doing.

Make it Personal:  The next time you try to justify something by what others are doing, remember to seek God’s counsel on what you should be doing.  Then remind yourself that most people are probably not doing whatever it is you think they are doing.

Have a great week, Pastor Glen Rhodes, Arthur Mennonite Church

You Never Know

Read: Matthew 5:13-16

                Many people in our community are friends of John Schmid or know of him.  John has a music ministry that travels around the country and world sharing stories, testimonies, and songs about the good news of Jesus.  By the way, John will be playing at Arthur’s Penn Station on the evening of August 26.  His Common Ground Ministries also has a wonderful prison outreach that is reaching hundreds of prisoners each year with the gospel message.

In his most recent newsletter John shared some stories about why it is important to never underestimate the influence you may have on someone.  He shared a story about a music festival he was a part of back in 1978 in Wilmore, Kentucky.  It turns out that Vice-President Mike Pence gave his life to Christ at that same music festival that year.

Another story he shared was from Thomas Hughes’ 1857 book Tom Brown School-days.  A visitor to the British School was surprised when the schoolmaster tipped his hat to a student as they walked across the school yard.  That didn’t fit into the British class system, so the visitor asked why he would do that.  The school master replied, “I may have just saluted the Prime Minister of England.”  You never know!

John also shared a story about how Bill Glass, an All-American college football player from years past, personally answered all of the fan mail he received when he was playing.  Years later, as a prison minister, Glass learned that President George W. Bush was one of the young people he had responded to during his playing days.  Glass was in need of a favor and the President was more than glad to help him out.

These are reminders that what Jesus says in Matthew 5:13-16 is very important.  We must let the light of Christ shine through our lives and into the lives of others.  You never know who, how, or what might become of someone when you take the time to talk to them, help them out, or reach out to them.  As John Schmid says, “Only God knows who is in the audience.”

Make it Personal:  Who has been an important influence on your life?  Think about how you are passing that legacy on.  Never underestimate how the Lord may use your life, your witness, your compassion, or your example to make a difference.  Let your light, the light of Christ, shine!

Have a great week,  Pastor Glen Rhodes
