Congregational Meeting – September 8

Join us in the Fellowship Hall for our quarterly congregational meeting to get updates on what our commissions are doing this season! It begins at 6pm and will be followed by a fingerfood fellowship meal. Bring a fingerfood to share!

Mennonite Central Committee Sunday

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Eric Kurtz (MCC Great Lakes Executive Director) and Les Zook-Gustafson (MCC Representative) will be in Arthur for the Relief Sale next weekend. They will also be joining us on Sunday morning August 25th. Both of them will be sharing MCC updates and stories during the combined Christian Edu. time  starting at 9:30am and Eric will be bringing the message during worship that morning starting at 10:30am. We hope you’ll join us as we hear about God’s Work around the World!

Outdoor Work Night – August 19

The Trustees have planned an outside work night for Monday, August 19th at 5pm. Bring rakes, blowers, trimmers, trailers, and anything else that might help as we spruce up the outside of the church grounds.

WMSC Quilting

We have a wonderful group of ladies who gather every first Tuesday of the month to quilt together. Many of their creations are donated for the Arthur Relief Sale,  as well as many other good causes. If you’d like  to join in the group, contact the church office for more information.
