Read: John 5:1-9
A favorite song of this Christmas season is “Emmanuel” by Bob McGee. The words to that song say, “His name is called Emmanuel; God with us.” In Matthew 1:23 an angel appears and confirms the prophet Isaiah’s words that God’s son would come to earth and would be Immanuel which means “God with us.” God’s Son Jesus came to earth at Christmas time and was the perfect example of how God truly desires to be with us, be near us, and be in us.
A favorite song of this Christmas season is “Emmanuel” by Bob McGee. The words to that song say, “His name is called Emmanuel; God with us.” In Matthew 1:23 an angel appears and confirms the prophet Isaiah’s words that God’s son would come to earth and would be Immanuel which means “God with us.” God’s Son Jesus came to earth at Christmas time and was the perfect example of how God truly desires to be with us, be near us, and be in us.
Far too many people in our world are lonely and searching for love, care, and companionship. Perhaps you too have felt that way at times? Maybe you feel that way right now? The wonderful news of Christmas is that God provided a way for us to cure our loneliness. He sent Jesus to us so that we would never have to be alone, fearful, or without a friend. As the old hymn says, “What a friend we have in Jesus.”
In John 5 we find a perfect example of who Jesus was and how Jesus still works in our world. In verses 1-9 he comes to a man who was sick, paralyzed, and lonely. In verse 5 it says that this man had been sitting at this spot for 38 years. Thousands upon thousands of people had passed him by until Jesus singles him out and chooses to befriend him. Not only did Jesus come beside him and talk to him but he also healed him. In verses 8 and 9 Jesus tells him to pick up his mat and walk.
During the Christmas season we celebrate that God is with us through his Son Jesus. When loneliness sets in we can turn to Jesus and find a friend that will love us, care for us, and stand with us through whatever life brings. Earthly relationships sometimes fail us and let us down, but Jesus promises to always be there for you. That’s a great thing to celebrate this Christmas!
Make it Personal: Along with the friendship Jesus provides for us he also brings us peace, love, joy, forgiveness, and hope. This is why those things are talked about so much during this season. Yes, Jesus is the reason for the season, but God truly desires all people to remember the reasons that he sent him to earth as well. God is truly with you, if you will allow him into your life.
Have a wonderful Christmas, Pastor Glen Rhodes