Read: Galatians 6:10
We just experienced the time of year when graduates were celebrated. At graduation ceremonies much advice is handed out. Barbara Bush gave a speech to graduates and she said, “Cherish your human connections…your relationships with family and friends…the human connections with spouse, children and friends are the most important investment you can make. At the end of your life you will never regret not passing one more test, winning one more verdict or closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a child, a friend or a parent.” It is human nature to want purpose. We would all like to think people’s lives are better because we were here. How can we in AMC make a difference?
A journalist asked the late Mother Teresa if it weren’t discouraging to work with so many poor people who never seemed to improve their lot in life. She responded, “Sir I wasn’t called to be successful – I was called to be faithful.” We are called to be faithful wherever God has placed us. God asked Moses what was in his hand. It was a shepherd’s staff, but God used that to change history. What is in your hand? Is it a wooden spoon? That could turn out a cake or cookies that would show God’s love to neighbors or to a college student who just needs to know he’s not forgotten. The pen you hold could produce a note of encouragement or a thank you to someone who needs to know they’re appreciated. The book on your lap could make a special moment with a child. If you have money in your hand it could buy some groceries for a needy family. Sometimes we think we need special gifts to serve God but he desires that we trust Him and give Him what we already hold in our hands.
Galatians 6:10 tells us that as we have opportunity let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of God. Look around at how you can love others and thus fulfill the love of Christ. Use what you have in your hand. I read that the holiest moment in any church service is when God’s people go out the doors and into the world. God wants us to be dispensers like a Windex bottle squirting life, light and love. If my bottle is empty because I’ve been self centered and plugged up with all the hurts of life my water is not fresh and refreshing. Life is not made up of big moments, but in being faithful in all the small things that come our way.
Make it personal: As you go out this week notice the people God is placing in your path. Be a dispenser of life and love. Use what you have in your hand to make a difference for someone else.
~ written by Gloria Yoder