Midweek Reflections
Safe and Secure
Being safely in Jesus’ hands is not oppressive, it’s very liberating. Jesus doesn’t say, “Do this, and then maybe you will be good enough to be one of my sheep.” He says, “You belong to me already. No one can snatch you out of my hand.” Secure in this belonging, we are free to live the abundant life which Jesus has made possible. It is life that is abundant in the love of God made known in Jesus Christ, love which overflows to others (John 13:34-35). Let us spread that love of Jesus!

The Great Acceptance
Prayers, conflict, confusion, reliance, listening, directions. Peter was confronted with it all in this encounter. Peter was a good Jew, never eating anything impure or unclean. He followed all the old ways and lived a wholesome Jewish existence. This trance confused him. He pondered it. He didn’t have all the answers right away. When Cornelius’s attendants arrived, Peter showed them hospitality and then went with them the next day.
An outpouring of the Holy Spirit into Gentile believers happened because of this encounter and then they were baptized in Jesus’s name. Today, we are able to live fully in Christ Jesus because of this historical event. God doesn’t show favoritism.
Do you show favoritism? Would you be open to God’s changing of that? Are you willing to act in the midst of confusion? Are you prepared to preach (or speak) in an uncomfortable spot?
God, Thank you for this passage, for showing us different ways that you speak and act in history and how that links to us today. May you allow us, your disciples, to speak boldly what we hear the Holy Spirit share, even if we are confused or fearful, let us be faithful! Amen.


Read: Psalm 96 and Psalm 150
Often when I wake up and first look at my clock the time is 6:06. The number 606 always makes me think of hymn number 606 in the old brown Mennonite Hymnal, a four part choral arrangement of “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow.” Just mention 606 to a group of older Mennonites and all will know exactly what song to sing! One of the pastors of the church we attend in Florida often used 606 as the closing of the service. The sound of 400 + people singing this song in 4 part harmony was amazing!!! It was hard to decide whether to sing along or just listen and soak up the music!! Whenever I see 606 I think, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!”
This song, also known as “The Doxology” was written by Bishop Thomas Ken and is first mentioned in 1674. It has been said that these lines have been sung more than any other lines ever written! In the church where I was raised, we sang these words every Sunday as the offering was presented. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” Familiar words!!
Make it Personal
There are many other numbers which can also serve as reminders to us of favorite scripture. These give us an opportunity or reminder in our busy day to take a moment and praise God. If you see 316, think of John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only son. The number 413 reminds us of Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” or 432 “Be kind and compassionate to one another.” Ephesians 4:32. The number 23 can be a reminder of the much loved 23rd Psalm. Look for these reminders throughout your day and use them to draw your mind back to God.
~ written by Nancy Kuhns

Power In the Name Of Jesus

Ask, Seek, Knock
Read: Matthew 7:7-11
7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
9 “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
Have you become disillusioned with prayer? Have you been asking, seeking and knocking, but God hasn’t answered your request? If that’s the case, you may be wondering why so many Christians speak about the power of prayer when it seems ineffective in your life.
Verses 9-11 of this Matthew passage help us understand the big picture. Jesus makes a comparison between earthly Fathers and our heavenly Father. Even though a human father is flawed and limited, he can give good things to his children. So it stands to reason that the heavenly Father, who is all-powerful and all-knowing, will give what’s beneficial to His children.
Sometimes we’re like spiritual toddlers in our limited understanding. We may not realize that our requests aren’t always what God deems best for us. Prayer teaches us humility, dependence, submission, and trust. The power of prayer is not that we can receive something, but that we’re able to relate to the One who supplies all our needs.
Make it personal:
Prayer helps us find direction, gives us strength to avoid temptation, and aligns our will with God’s will. The purpose of prayer is not necessarily to tell God how you want Him to do things; rather, it’s to better understand Him and His ways, and to bring us into alignment with His will. C.S. Lewis said, “Prayer doesn’t change God. It changes us.” As you pray this week, be conscious of a change in your spiritual life. If you’re continuously communicating with God, you should feel closer to Him. Truly, there is power in prayer and it can change us in many ways. Be open to the Holy Spirit’s power to change your life!
~ written by Lynn Marner