Read: Mark 6:1-13
We know from the gospel accounts in the New Testament that Jesus was a Carpenter and most likely worked alongside his father and others around the town of Nazareth. Can you imagine having Jesus come to do some carpentry work in your home. Scripture says that he was perfect so his handy work would have been perfect as well. But Jesus was much more than a Carpenter.
In Mark 6 we see that the people had a hard time seeing Jesus for who he really was. Along with his daily work he was also about the work of God. Most likely the two went together. Jesus was just as concerned about the people as he was the work he might have been doing for them. Perhaps this is a good example for us to apply to our daily work.
Pastor David Jeremiah shares a story about a furniture store in Indiana named Purposeful Design. David Palmer is the owner and he sees his company as more than a place to create custom furniture. He sees his business as a way to help employees rebuild their lives from addiction, homelessness, and much more. David shares Jesus with his employees and helps them to see how Jesus can bring change, restoration, and hope to their lives along with a paycheck.
Yes, Jesus was much more than a Carpenter. He is our Messiah! Our Lord and Savior! In our daily work and relationships may we find ways to introduce Jesus and be an example of Jesus to those we employ or work alongside. We are called to do much more than show up for work, we are called be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who need him in their life.
Make It Personal: Think about your weekly schedule. Whether you have a job, a family, or are retired you have been called and sent out to make a difference in the name of Jesus. Who is God calling on you to reach out to this week? In verses 7-13 of Mark 6 Jesus sends out his followers to share the good news. Let’s go out and do the same.
Have a wonderful week, Glen Rhodes