Remind Me Again

Read: Deuteronomy 6:1-9

              One of the things I have been known for around our house is being “The Reminder.” I get teased about it, and I probably do go overboard with it sometimes. I want to always be sure that nothing falls through the cracks.

In some ways that is what Deuteronomy 6 is telling us to do with the tenants of our faith in God. Impress them upon your children, talk about them often, write them on the door frames of your houses it says. In other words, keep your faith and the Lord’s promises in the forefront of all that you do, say, and see.

An article I read one time talked about keeping items from your favorite vacation destination around your house as decorations. They said that this was a way to always feel like you are on vacation while being at home. It’s an interesting idea, and it is amazing how it parallels what this passage is saying.

If it works for vacation destinations why wouldn’t it work for our faith as well? As you look around your home how many reminders are there about your life in Christ? If someone walks in your home would they immediately know that you believe in God and that you follow Jesus Christ? Think about that the next time you choose a decoration.

The concept of this Old Testament text is that we should keep these things in front of us at all times. They remind us of God’s goodness, faithfulness, and love for us. It encourages us on a bad day, they can lift our spirits when we receive bad news, and they are a reminder that God will not leave us or forsake us.

The walls are not the only place that should be decorated with these reminders. Our lives in the family home and the public square should be a testimony to our faith. This text gives us the idea that it should encompass every facet of our lives. And why wouldn’t we want it to? It is the will of our Father in heaven and by following and obeying his will we are reminded daily, even hourly, of his love for us.

Make it personal: Find some things to place around your house that will be reminders of God’s promises to you and your family. On the walls, on the dressers, in your closet. It’s really more about reminders than it is decor.

Have a blessed week, Pastor Glen Rhodes
