Do you recognize the above verses? Why are there so many of them? What truths are they sharing? These verses in Romans are often called the Romans Road to Salvation. They contain the essential truths of the Christian faith. Let’s look in a little more detail to these verses:
1) The Human Problem (3:10, 3:23, 6:23a) Our call is to live a glorious, righteous life with God, yet sin (wrongdoing) has entered the world and unfortunately lives in each of our hearts. Have you sinned? 6:23a says in order to pay for sin and to abolish it, death is what must be paid.
2) Is there any Hope to be Restored if Death is required? (6:23b, 5:8). These scriptures tell us that we see God’s love demonstrated by Christ’s action to die on the cross while we are still affected by the sin nature. He chose to figure out a way for us to have hope.
3) What is our Response to this Hope? (10:9-10, 10:13) Salvation comes to us when we confess with our mouths Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead. This is available to all people and everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
4) Result of Salvation (5:1-2, 8:1) Two of the (many) promised results of salvation are peace and no further condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
This is a long path to walk in such a few short paragraphs. If you have read these verses and wish to talk to someone about any piece of this, please reach out to the office, or the Ministry team, or your closest friend who is a Christian to discuss this further.
God, Thank you for the Roman’s Road message. Let us not read it and forget it, but let it help us to come to faith, to encourage others to respond to you, and to give us assurance in our discipleship
~ written by Jenni Marner