True Freedom

“True Freedom” 
Read: Romans 6:1-14

There has been a lot of talk recently about freedoms, or lack of them.  From religious freedom, to freedom of expression, to thousands of people fleeing their homeland in search of it.  Freedom is something most everyone values as a great treasure to have.  But in Romans 6 the apostle Paul reminds us of a freedom that is greater and more valuable than any other: freedom from sin’s grasp.

Throughout the history of the world freedoms have come and gone as countries and leaders have come and gone.  Some have upheld the banner of freedom while others have destroyed it.  But despite our situation, country, or leadership there is one freedom that no human person or leader can take away from us.  That freedom is the freedom we (you) have through Jesus Christ.

Sin and disobedience toward God has the power to defeat us and enslave us.  But God sent his only son Jesus to free us from those end results.  

True freedom from our sin comes when we repent of our wrongs to Christ and ask him to forgive us.  His grace then covers us and washes away the sins and mistakes of our past and brings us new life.  This brings us true freedom, even when earthly powers try to take it away from us.  In verse 14 Paul says, “Sin shall not be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.”

Freedom and justice in this world are definitely important.  Christians should work to encourage citizens and leaders to help promote them.  But as we do that, let’s not forget the one true freedom that rings louder than any.  Freedom in Christ is the message we need to proclaim the loudest.  This is the freedom that saves us, delivers us, and prepares us for our eternal home in heaven.  And “Us” includes anyone you cross paths with this week.

Make It Personal: As you hear talk of freedom (or lack of it) in the news, be sure to remind yourself of the freedom you have in your Savior Jesus Christ.  No one can take that away from you, and it will stand through all of eternity.  Praise the Lord!

Have a blessed week,  Glen Rhodes  
