Opportunities to Serve
Arthur MCC Thrift Shop

Ten Thousand Villages
Located in Champaign, IL,
Ten Thou
sand Villages is a fair trade retailer of artisan-crafted home decor, personal accessories and gift items from across the globe.
The store is part of a network of over 390 retail outlets throughout the United States that creates opportunities for artisans around the globe to earn a fair wage through long-term fair trading relationships. Artisans use this income to pay for food, education, healthcare and housing for their families. AMC volunteers support their efforts by working in the store and new volunteers are always welcome. For more information about the store or to shop online visit their site at ww.champaign.tenthousandvillages.com
Ten Thou

The store is part of a network of over 390 retail outlets throughout the United States that creates opportunities for artisans around the globe to earn a fair wage through long-term fair trading relationships. Artisans use this income to pay for food, education, healthcare and housing for their families. AMC volunteers support their efforts by working in the store and new volunteers are always welcome. For more information about the store or to shop online visit their site at ww.champaign.tenthousandvillages.com
My Coins Count
Bring your bills and change each week and drop them in the bucket as you enter for worship! It is amazing how a little adds up to a lot over time for Mennonite Central Committee. For more information on how your change can make a difference in the world, visit My Coins Count.
Meals On Wheels

Each year, AMC volunteers help to deliver Meals on Wheels in the Arthur community. If you are available during the day, delivery takes about 45 minutes and it is just one of the ways we can give of our time locally.
Mennonite Relief Sale

Every year on the third Friday & Saturday of August, AMC joins together with other area Mennonite Churches for the Mennonite Relief Sale held at the Otto Center just south of Arthur. For a complete list of sale activities and items to be sold, visit the sale’s website at www.arthurreliefsale.org. Eighty percent of the proceeds from the sale help support the work of the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), a cooperative relief and service agency located in Akron, Pennsylvania. The remaining twenty percent is distributed locally to help people in need. If you would like to volunteer to help at the sale please talk to Glen & Rhonda Rhodes or Lamar & Nadine Miller.
Supported Missionaries

AMC supports missionaries Stacy & Vojta Prknovi who are serving in the Czech Republic as a part of Eastern Mennonite Missions. Please keep Stacy, Vojta, and their family in your prayers as they continue to serve Christ around the world.
EMM believes Christ’s transforming love compels us to engage
the world, cross cultures, and make disciples of Jesus.
To learn more about Eastern Mennonite Missions, visit the EMM website.

AMC supports missionaries Nick & Jess Schrock who are the directors of Manna Ministries Mongolia since 2015. This organization uses Bible Quizzing to help young people in Mongolia hear about Jesus. By memorizing God’s Word, they are hearing the hope of the gospel and being discipled to follow Jesus.
Please pray for Nick & Jessica as they continue to grow this ministry.
To learn more about Manna Ministries Mongolia, visit the website.

To learn more about Manna Ministries Mongolia, visit the website.

AMC supports Jon & Lindsay Birkey and their partnership with WGM – World Gospel Mission. Jon is serving as Chief Program Officer of The Christian Community Center in Peoria, Arizona.
The Christian Community Center is a place for aged out foster children to find love, hope and community. Through collaboration with like-minded Christian organizations, this campus provide life skills training, counseling services,
housing, spiritual care, and safe and loving community. Please pray for John Lindsay, and their daughters, Lily and Hannah, as they continue their work. To learn more, visit the WGM website.